Supplement Selected:
"The health benefits of Vitamin B7 or Biotin include improved metabolism, tissue maintenance, healthy skin, weight loss, relief from heart problems, alopecia, Parkinson s disease, Rett syndrome and vaginal candidiasis. It also aids in the synthesis of vital components and helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. Vitamin B7, also known as Biotin, happens to be a catalyst for various metabolic reactions in the human body to extract energy. Due to its water solubility, this vitamin is regularly diminished and therefore needs replenishment."
"Biotin deficiency is rare because, in general, intestinal bacteria produce biotin in excess of the body's daily requirements. ... The first demonstration of biotin deficiency in animals was observed in animals fed raw egg white. Rats fed egg white protein were found to develop dermatitis, alopecia and neuromuscular dysfunction. This syndrome, called egg white injury, was discovered to be caused by a glycoprotein found in egg white, avidin. Avidin denatures upon heating (cooking). This protein which binds extremely strongly with biotin, making it unavailable for use in enzymatic reactions. Regardless of the root cause, the deficiency can usually be addressed directly with nutritional supplementation. ... Biotin is consumed from a wide range of food sources in the diet, but few are particularly rich sources. Foods with a relatively high biotin content include Swiss chard, raw egg yolk (however, the consumption of avidin-containing egg whites with egg yolks minimizes the effectiveness of egg yolk's biotin in one's body), liver, Saskatoon berries, and leafy green vegetables."
Method Selected:
"Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) - The daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient by the Food and Nutrition Board to meet the requirements of 97.5% of healthy individuals in each life-stage and sex group. It is calculated based on the EAR and is usually approximately 20% higher than the EAR. ... Tolerable upper intake levels (UL) - To caution against excessive intake of nutrients (like vitamin A) that can be harmful in large amounts. This is the highest level of daily consumption that current data have shown to cause no side effects in humans when used indefinitely without medical supervision."
Question AnswerUnits
What is your life stage group?
What is your age? years (Use months if you
chose 'Infant' previously)
"Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) - The daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient by the Food and Nutrition Board to meet the requirements of 97.5% of healthy individuals in each life-stage and sex group. It is calculated based on the EAR and is usually approximately 20% higher than the EAR. ... Tolerable upper intake levels (UL) - To caution against excessive intake of nutrients (like vitamin A) that can be harmful in large amounts. This is the highest level of daily consumption that current data have shown to cause no side effects in humans when used indefinitely without medical supervision."

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